
Klapparstígur 27


+354 581-2020


The Irishman Pub is a new addition to the thriving pub & bar culture in Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland. Located in the heart of downtown at Klapparstígur 27.

Every day we offer happy hour from 12PM to 7PM! Pub guests can enjoy a game of darts, listen to live music Thursday to Saturday evenings, spin the wheel of fortune and you can even book our private karaoke room!

Why not have some fun with your friends at The Irishman Pub!


Just a few steps off laugarvegur.

Get me there!

Opening hours:

Open from 12:00 until 01:00 on workdays, weekends until 03:00

Always something

Come and have fun.

Special Kariokee room

Are you the best singer, come and prove it!


Are you the star of the evening?

The Irishman Pub is proud to offer Icelanders and people visiting Reykjavík a private karaoke room to rent! You can book the room for one hour (or longer) and 1 hour cost 14.000 ISK.

The room can host up to twenty people and for groups we have great offers at the bar. For example 24 Carlsberg bottles for 24.000 ISK or 1 bottle of spirit for 60.000 ISK (price varies depending on what liquor it is vodka, gin or rum).

Please note that it is not allowed to bring outside the alcohol into the Irishman Pub karaoke room. If this rule is not enforced, the person will immediately be removed from the karaoke room and will not be refunded.

To book the room please fill out the form below or call the bar at +354-581-2020. // Please give us up to 24 hours to reply back to you via email.


ATH! - 22 ára Aldurstakmark !

Frá og með 01.01.2025 þá er klukkustund í kareókí 14.000kr

    Vinsamlegast athugið að óheimilt er að drekka utanaðkomandi áfengi inn í karaókí herbergi The Irishman Pub. Ef þessari reglu er ekki framfylgt verður viðkomandi vísað úr karaókí herberginu og er ekki endurgreitt fyrir herbergið.

    Come in have a pint